Let My Light
by Julie
I like Julie Kinscheck album she has several different
styles in her music it was very uplifting and you can understand the words that
were sung and the tune was a beat you could dance to and/or just sit and listen
to. I liked several songs but the ones that really stood out that I liked most are
Nothing Like The Love. This song you can see just with the words she is talking
about her children and this song makes me think of my own children and how I
love them with my whole heart. I also
liked I Trust In You, this song is very upbeat and reminds us to put our trust
in God and the Holy Spirit.
If you are looking into listening to some upbeat music then
this album is what you would be looking forward. It has several different
sounds and beats which anyone that likes rock and or the fast beat of the
country rock would enjoy this music.
Julie Kinscheck is a singer songwriter/guitarist, Vocal
Coach, Guitar Instructor, Choir Director, Worship leader. She is married to Ralph
Kinscheck her keyboardist and producer, she is also a proud mom to twins.
You can find out
more about Julie Kinscheck here: http://www.julieksings.com and https://twitter.com/ Julieksings
I received a free copy of this
book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor
was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I
am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew