Neglected But Undefeated
By: Jonathan Burkett
Neglected But Undefeated by Jonathan Burkett is unbelievable
and a great book, it is a heartbreaking story of his life through the trials,
tribulations, feeling unloved and unwanted by his mother that he was told that
loved him. As he was growing up he felt like that his future wouldn’t have any
purpose because he was told he wouldn’t live.
I would recommend this book if you want to see what Jonathan went
through and how he faced the trials and tribulations.
Jonathan Anthony Burkett was
born in 1987. He told himself, that he would never give up regardless of the
trials and tribulations. He decided to write in order to help himself move
towards a brighter future for himself; and also because he knows that’s what
his Grandparents want for him
You can find out more about Jonathan Burkett here…
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