By Author Kim West
I highly recommend the “Peaceful Passage” by author Kim West
this book is essential in helping you during the journey of a love one’s dying
process. This book assist you in knowing what steps you need to take in helping
your love one during the dying process, along with helping yourself through the
process. It also helps you in handling the daily demands of your marriage,
family, children and career. You’ll find checklists and resources to keep you
on track, and at each chapter’s end, journaling pages invite readers to record
their experiences. Kim had experience of this journey due to her mother
becoming ill with terminal cancer and brought her to her home and taking care
of her until the day she passed. At that
time Kim didn't have any experience in caring for a dying person so she journal
through the process to help with the grief. She realized that she needed to
write about her process to help others through the same experience. This book
is one that can be used by any and all family members going through this process.
Kim West has a PhD in Clinical Pastoral Counseling and her Master of Divinity in Counseling and Family; this provides her to help families that are going through the end-of-life journey.
Learn more about Kim West here
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are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am
part of THE CWA Review